Back pain in the lower back

Anyone who is affected by back pain, which causes persistent or recurring pain in the lower back, is therefore not alone. Medical professionals refer to lumbar spine syndrome, which frequently manifests itself as pain in the area of the cervical spine or thoracic spine. Particularly in this case, going to the doctor and comprehensive diagnostics are important, as back pain in the lower back are particularly painful and restricting in daily life.
Affected persons usually have a plausible previous history or pre-existing condition, such as a slipped disc, nerve damage or muscle tension, lumbago or serious signs of wear. However, the development of back pain in the lower back is also conducive to weakened gluteal muscles, as well as psychosomatic factors, particularly stress and mental pressures.
Digression: How does back pain manifest itself in the lower back?
The lumbar spine is basically comprised of five vertebra in the area of the lower back. When they bend forward, this is referred to as a hollow back – however, if they become excessively flat from tensions, this is referred to as a flat back. Such tensions very frequently lead to back pain in the lower back, which are exacerbated by movement sequences, which we perform frequently this way during the course of the day, such as sideways turns or bending movements. The more frequently we burden our lumbar spine in this way, the more susceptible it is to injuries and signs of wear.
Dull, persistent or recurring pain is systematic of back pain in the lower back. If these pains radiate to the legs, this is referred to as lumbosciatica.
What are the causes of back pain in the lower back?
As already stated in the previous paragraph, back pain the lower back can be serious and manifest itself over a longer period of time. The causes of this lie particularly in a combination of incorrect and excess strains in the lumbar spine, which are particularly susceptible. The dilemma with many persons affected: They perform physical work and then end up in supposed relieving postures, such as walking upright or they perform bending and stretching exercises incorrectly. Both can pose an additional burden for the lumbar spine.
In conjunction with entirely normal signs of wear, the risk is particularly increased significantly with rising age.
How can I prevent back pain in the lower back?
It is important that affected persons contact a doctor as soon as possible, in order to clarify exactly which causes are having an impact here and where to start, once a diagnosis is made. With sciatica, for example, it is advisable to ensure relief with local anaesthetic. Anyone who is affected by acute back pain, can rely on ointments. Massages, as well as heat treatments, are also recommended for relief. However, anyone, who would like to prevent lower back pain effectively, should work on strengthening the back muscles with appropriate exercise, avoid strenuous movement sequences in daily life and particularly reduce stress, which is often involve in the development of pain.