
An overview of the causes of high blood pressure
The human body cannot be regarded detached and purely on the basis of individual or a few factors. A complex interaction, which particularly relates to the organs, the blood vessels, additional biochemical neurotransmitters, as well as the nervous system, are connected to one another with different intensities and mechanisms. A clear statement about which physical causes are decisive for the occurrence of high blood pressure, can therefore not be made. This subject area is the focus of comprehensive research, however, it is well-known that hereditary factors and your own change of life and lifestyle can have an influence on this.
The causes of high blood pressure therefore particularly depend on four factors, which are conducive to high blood pressure:
- Lack of exercise
- One-sided, unhealthy diet
- Obesity
- Stress factors
The risk lies in high blood pressure frequently existing without identifiable symptoms or pain. As the list above illustrates, a clear allocation or delineation of ailments, which correlate with one or several of the above-mentioned factors, is difficult. However, causes of high blood pressure can be split into two categories, as illustrated by the next section.
For differentiation: Primary and secondary high blood pressure
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates that every third adult aged between 18 and 79 years suffers from high blood pressure. This means minimum pressure values of 140/90 mmHg pressure values. However, more than half of those, who have not yet been diagnosed with “high blood pressure”, have just as risky values or are within the transitional area, between the medically defined limit values. This means that high blood pressure is regarded as a widespread disease, however, it is not noticed by many at all, or is not regarded as being problematic, as such.
In order to better classify the causes of high blood pressure, a differentiation needs to be made between primary and secondary high blood pressure.
- Primary hypertonia, which occurs frequently, is connected with classic risk factors. Obesity (BMI above 30), lack of exercise, stress and environmental influences play a role in this. However, the numbers of cases differ significantly, which means that by far not everyone, who has one or several of the risk factors referred to, actually has high blood pressure. One part develops quite quickly, while the other only develops blood pressure within the range that requires treatment. If close relatives suffer from high blood pressure or have already suffered a stroke, a certain susceptibility must be assumed. Otherwise, the age and gender are significant.
- Secondary hypertonia only relates to ten to 15 percent of those, who are undergoing medical treatment, due to their high blood pressure. The causes of high blood pressure are due to other disorders, such as the thyroid, the kidneys or the adrenal glands.
What causes high blood pressure? This question is highly complex and cannot be answered conclusively, as the personal risk factors require a strong interaction, the exact extent of which can only be interpreted on a case-by-case basis. However, it is clear that environmental or lifestyle-related factors exist, which are conducive to high blood pressure and that accordingly, a majority of those, who are affected by high blood pressure, have the reduction of the risk in their own hands.