Back Pain

Anyone who is plagued by back pain, has many things under his or her own control during the course of treatment – the earlier this is started, the better. In most cases, back pain is non-specific, i.e. it is not regarded as an illness, but rather, as temporary health disorder. The causes of this lie in incorrect or excess spinal strain, in signs of wear and psychosomatic factors, such as stress, all types of strains, obesity and similar.
Most important: Strengthen your back with alternating movements. This means that working and relaxing must take place alternately, so that the back muscles can develop. This can be achieved by taking advantage of as many situations as possible, as far as daily life allows. There are various possibilities for challenging the body moderately, but constantly, in order to defend yourself against the development of back pain and other impairments.
In the following paragraph, we intend to point out a few tips, which can help you strengthen your back muscles and effectively relieve back pain with exercises.
Back pain is caused by overstraining the back muscles, which disappear and degrade over time from frequent excessive strains. Particularly physically active people, who need to lift, carry and haul as part of their job, need solid back muscles. The following principles apply to this:
Anyone who is a couch potato and also performs office work activities, will need to struggle with back pain in the not-to-distant future, with reasonable certainty. That is why exercise, including swimming, cycling or hiking, is so important. Even and particularly if pain is already there, this is often the only way to treat you own back pain in a natural way and thereby prevent it.
Anyone, who would like to work on relieving or even completely preventing back pain at home, cannot avoid back exercises. Back pain exercises are elementary, as with each training session, you will do something good for your muscles and reduce the influence of wear, overexertions, etc.
Anyone who needs to develop back muscles, should choose the back exercises that are most likely to be safe and can be performed independently without major effort.
Important: As soon as it becomes painful, immediately stop with the back exercises.
1. Stretching the back muscles
For this, you also need to put your heels on the floor and touch the floor with your knees, put your hand further forward on the mat. It is important to hold this position for 50 to 60 seconds. You must breathe at the same and completely relax your back muscles.
2. Strengthening the muscles
The so-called “bridge” pose has proven itself. For this back exercise, lie down with your entire back on the mat, both hands next to the body, the feet on the floor as normal. Then, slowly raise your pelvis, so that your body forms a straight line. You should repeat this position around ten times and hold it for ten seconds at a time.
Anyone, who would like to do more, can stretch one calf upwards in this position – it is only important that you stabilise your pelvis, so that it does not tilt back.
3. Strengthening the buttock muscles, as well as the lower back muscles
With this type of back exercise, you start by lying on your stomach. Now, support yourself on your lower arms, look forward and lift one leg, stretching it as far upwards as possible. In this position, you should maintain the tension and alternate with repetitions and by changing legs.