Fitness trends and trend sports

Just walking, jogging, swimming, climbing, aerobics, basketball, beach volleyball or even Nordic Walking, and cycling isn’t enough for some people. Many are always looking for new challenges. As a result, new trend sports and fitness trends appear on the market each year. Let’s take a look at what is fashionable right now.
Running in nature
Regular running was yesterday, now it’s all about trail running. Trail running refers to running over terrain, rocks and stones or up and down mountains, away from surfaced roads. “Terrain instead of road” is the motto. Trail running is a summer trend sport. Literally speaking, trail means a track or path, and paths can be found everywhere. The main thing is leaving asphalted roads.
The general rule of thumb for beginners is don’t take on too much at once. Instead, plan shorter training sessions. Beginners should ideally only run twice or three times a week, and no more than five kilometres.
Aerial yoga is a popular trend in 2022
Aerial yoga is generally suitable for everyone – a full-body workout that promotes strength, balance, and flexibility All muscle groups are activated and stretched. Aerial yoga, also known as antigravity yoga or air yoga, is a hybrid type of yoga developed by dancer and acrobat Michelle Dortignac in 2006 combining traditional yoga poses, pilates, and dance with the use of a hammock.
The practice takes place in a special aerial yoga hammock that hangs from the ceiling, supporting the hips for forward bends and backbends. Difficult mat-based yoga postures are easier to perform through aerial yoga, as the hammock supports much of the weight. This also protects the joints, back and spine. The swinging motion of the hammock adds diversity to the aerial workout. Aerial yoga is marketed as supporting emotional, psychological, and mental health.
Good alternatives, and equally as popular, include Yin Yoga, a calm and meditative form of yoga, or fascia yoga, which specifically targets the fascia – the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles and ligaments.
SUP yoga, a trend from America
This trend began in America back in 2013 and has now made its way to us here. SUP yoga takes place on a stand-up paddle board or on a standard surfboard in calm water, such as on a lake.
One of the pioneers of paddleboard yoga, Rachel Bråthén, lives and teaches yoga on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean Sea. Beginners can practice this yoga hybrid on the beach or in a swimming pool to obtain the strength and flexibility required to maintain balance. Since the core muscles are constantly working to keep the body balanced on the board, it is also “an exercise in mental concentration”. Try it for yourself.
Bodyweight training
Bodyweight training completely avoids the use of aids such as weights and gym equipment. As the name suggestions, this training involves using your own body weight. Exercises using own body weight include those from traditional fitness and strength training. These include: pull-ups, handstands, sit-ups, planks, push-ups, squats, and dips.
The benefit: since you only need to use your own body weight, these exercises can be conveniently performed anytime, any place – and free of charge. What many people don’t know: Bodyweight training is excellent for building muscle. The exercises target many muscle groups and include entire movement processes which optimally work the body.
Hobbyhorsing: A trend sport from Finland
Hobbyhorsing does not involve riding real horses, but rather stick horses. Using an – often self-painted – stick horse, the ‘riders’ perform disciplines from the equestrian sport such as dressage or showjumping. Hobbyhorsing is a lot of fun for kids in particular. Riding the stick horses gets children moving while increasing their enthusiasm for horses.
Since 2012, the German Equestrian Federation (FN) and its “Small children – small ponies” initiative aims to familiarise children with horses or ponies from as early on as possible. The committee also supports hobbyhorsing, since riding stick horses familiarises every child with horses regardless of their background, class status, nationality or disability. The committee’s initiative also appears in the FN publication “Hobby Horsing – Mein Steckenpferd”, which contains information and ideas on the topic. Children and young people aged 10 to 18 can graduate in the disciplines of dressage, showjumping, and riding.
Dogscooting: Sport with dogs
Our four-legged friends are a particular fan of this one: Mastering sport is a delicate matter. Dogscooting falls into the category of sled-dog sports. One or more dogs are attached to a vehicle and set off! However, the animals don’t pull sleds, but scooters. Dogscooting is experiencing growing popularity among humans and animals.
Generally speaking, dogscooting can be practised with any dog that loves running around. But be careful: a dog can only pull around 4 times its own bodyweight. Exception: some Nordic breeds of dog can pull up to 9 times their own bodyweight. However, this sport is naturally unsuitable for smaller breeds such as pugs or dachshunds. The dog should weight at least 25 kilograms in order to effortlessly pull a person weighing 80 kilograms.
Rottweilers, sheepdogs, golden retrievers, Labradors, St. Bernards, Leonbergers, Great Danes, Dobermans, and Newfoundlanders are all suitable as sled dogs. Another tip for beginners: it’s best to learn this sport in a group or as part of a course – this allows your dog to observe the correct behaviour of the other dogs.
Airboarding instead of snowboarding
Airboarding is a Swiss snow sport invention and is one of the most active and fun types of winter sport around. Just like in bodyboarding, you lie with your stomach on the board except that your head is facing down a snowy slope. The airboard, which resembles a small, inflatable airbed, was created by Joe Steiner, CEO of Swiss outdoor sports company Fun-Care AG.
Founded 20 years ago, this winter trend sport has become extremely popular in event tourism. However, airboarding isn’t completely without risk: speeds of up to 100 km/h can be reached on these inflatable boards. Therefore, this sport should only be practised on designated pistes while wearing a helmet and protectors. The correct technique must also be learned beforehand.
There is a reason for this: steering is only possible by transferring your own bodyweight, meaning that accidents can easily occur due to the high speeds. You can only brake using your feet. Beginners should avoid the more challenging pistes.
We hope you have lots of fun with this trend sport for 2022